Jean O’Brien
Career Strategist & Human Resources Executive
All of our plans will go to nothing if we are still stuck in the same practices, same principles and same mindset.
Jean O’Brien is an experienced Human Resources executive and Career Development Coach. Together we will quickly focus on being purposeful and proactive in taking ownership of your continued career success. Reflect on your current situation and ask; How fulfilled am I? Do I know what I want to do next? Have you gone through rounds of interviews and not received an offer? Are you not advancing at your current company?
Coaching works to uncover behaviors you may need to adjust for continued career growth. It is here to help you figure out what you want to do and understand assumptions you are making about yourself that are preventing you from advancing in your professional goals.
Professionals facing the, not uncommon, experience of an unscheduled career change may benefit from skills to influence with confidence for future challenges.
Jean O’Brien is an experienced Human Resources executive and has extensive Outplacement Support Coaching experience. Together we will act to reestablish confidence with skills that influence for your continued professional success. The results of this coaching experience are unique for each person to strengthen his or her ability to confidently and consistently provide positive experiences while securing a next career opportunity.
Confidently build essential skills needed to influence future challenges and secure a career growth opportunity.
Provide excellent people skills for every situation.
Adjust to the current job-related change.
Complete a career focused Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment to define strengths.
Develop unique marketing strategies.
Implement a successful network for greater visibility and opportunities.
Create an excellent results-oriented resume.
Thoroughly prepare for interviewing, directing others to understand your value.
Interview the company to ensure a correct career opportunity selection.
Negotiate for the right responsibilities, salary, challenges and career development.
Additional specific, individual skills defined to meet unique goals and needs.